Installed Software

TGI RAILS software is provisioned, when possible, using spack to produce modules for use via the lmod based module system. Select NVIDIA NGC containers are made available (see the container section below) and are periodically updated from the NVIDIA NGC site. An automated list of available software can be found on the ACCESS website.


TGI RAILS provides two sets of modules and a variety of compilers in each set. The default environment is modtree/gpu which loads a recent version of gnu compilers , the openmpi implementation of MPI, and cuda. The environment with gpu support will build binaries that run on both the gpu nodes (with cuda) and cpu nodes (potentially with warning messages because those nodes lack cuda drivers). For situations where the same version of software is to be deployed on both gpu and cpu nodes but with separate builds, the modtree/cpu environment provides the same default compiler and MPI but without cuda. Use module spider package_name to search for software in lmod and see the steps to load it for your environment.

module (lmod) command


module list

(display the currently loaded modules)

$ module list

Currently Loaded Modules:
  1) gcc/11.2.0   3

) openmpi/4.1.2 5) modtree/gpu

  1. ucx/1.11.2 4) cuda/11.6.1

module load <package_name>

(loads a package or metamodule such as modtree/gpu or netcdf-c)

  $ module load modtree/cpu

Due to MODULEPATH changes, t
he following have been reloaded:
  1. gcc/11.2.0 2)

openmpi/4.1.2 3) ucx/1.11.2

The following have been

reloaded with a version change:

  1. modtree/gpu => modtree/cpu

module spider <package_name>

(finds modules and displays the ways to load them)

module -r spider “regular expression”

$ module spider openblas


openblas: openblas/0.3.20

You will nee

d to load all module(s) on any o ne of the lines below before the


20” module is available to load.

aocc/3.2.0 gcc/11.2.0



nBLAS: An optimized BLAS library

$ module -r spider “^r$”




see also: User Guide for Lmod

Please open a service request ticket by sending email to for help with software not currently installed on the TGI RAILS system. For single user or single project use cases the preference is for the user to use the spack software package manager to install software locally against the system spack installation as documented <here>. TGI RAILS support staff are available to provide limited assistance. For general installation requests the TGI RAILS project office will review requests for broad use and installation effort.
