Running Jobs
The charge unit for TGI RAILS is the Service Unit (SU). This corresponds to the equivalent use of one compute core utilizing less than or equal to 2G of memory for one hour. Keep in mind that your charges are based on the resources that are reserved for your job and don’t necessarily reflect how the resources are used. Charges are based on either the number of cores or the fraction of the memory requested, whichever is larger.
Node Type |
Service Unit Equivalence |
GPUs |
Host Memory |
CPU core |
1 |
N/A |
5.3 GB |
CPU Node |
96 |
N/A |
512 GB |
GPU Node |
One H100 |
120 |
1 H100 |
256 GB |
GPU Node |
8-way H100 |
960 |
8 H100 |
2048 GB |
Local Account Charging
Use the accounts
command to list the accounts available for
charging. Users start out with a single chargable project but may
be added to other projects over time.
$ accounts
Project Summary for User 'kingda':
Project Description Balance (Hours) Deposited (Hours)
-------------- --------------------------- ----------------- -------------------
bbka-tgirails TGI RAILS staff allocation 5000000 5000000
Job Accounting Considerations
A node-exclusive job that runs on a compute node for one hour will be charged 96 SUs (96 cores x 1 hour)
A node-exclusive job that runs on a 8-way GPU node for one hour will be charge 960 SUs (8 GPU x 1 hour)
If you see QOSGrpBillingMinutes under the Reason column for the squeue command, as in
1204221 cpu myjob .... PD 0:00 5 (QOSGrpBillingMinutes)
then the resource allocation specified for the job (i.e. xyzt-tgirails ) does not have sufficient balance to run the job based on the # of resources requested and the wallclock time. Sometimes it maybe other jobs from the same project that in the same QOSGrpBillingMinutes state are could cause other jobs using the same resource allocation that are preventing a job that would “fit” from running. The PI of the project needs to put in a supplement request using the XRAS proposal system.
Reviewing job charges for a project ( jobcharge )
jobcharge in /sw/user/scripts/ will show job charges by user for a project. Example usage:
[arnoldg@dt-login03 ]$ jobcharge bbka-delta-gpu -b 10 --detail | tail -15
106 1662443 gpuMI100x8 0 nan kingda bash 2023-04-06T09:39:01 0 0
107 1662444 gpuMI100x8 291 billing=1000,cpu=2,gres/gpu:mi100=1,gres/gpu=1,mem=3G,node=1 kingda bash 2023-04-06T09:44:11 1000 0.08
108 1662449 gpuMI100x8 614 billing=1000,cpu=2,gres/gpu:mi100=1,gres/gpu=1,mem=3G,node=1 kingda bash 2023-04-06T10:07:23 1000 0.17
109 1662477 gpuMI100x8 446 billing=1000,cpu=2,gres/gpu:mi100=1,gres/gpu=1,mem=3G,node=1 kingda bash 2023-04-06T10:15:08 1000 0.12
110 1662492 gpuMI100x8 760 billing=8000,cpu=2,gres/gpu:mi100=8,gres/gpu=8,mem=3G,node=1 kingda bash 2023-04-06T10:28:00 8000 1.69
111 1662511 gpuMI100x8-interactive 1521 billing=16000,cpu=128,gres/gpu:mi100=8,gres/gpu=8,mem=64G,node=1 arnoldg bash Unknown 16000 6.76
User Charge (SU)
--------------- -------------
arnoldg 25.76
babreu 6.66
kingda 2.06
rmokos 0.96
svcdeltajenkins 0.23
Total 35.67
[arnoldg@dt-login03 scripts]$ jobcharge bbka-delta-gpu -b 10
Output for 2023-03-27-11:25:24 through 2023-04-06-11:25:24:
User Charge (SU)
--------------- -------------
arnoldg 26.04
babreu 6.66
kingda 2.06
rmokos 0.96
svcdeltajenkins 0.23
Total 35.95
[arnoldg@dt-login03 ]$ jobcharge bbka-delta-gpu -h
usage: jobcharge [-h] [-m MONTH] [-y YEAR] [-b DAYSBACK] [-s STARTTIME] [-e ENDTIME] [--detail]
positional arguments:
accountstring account name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MONTH, --month MONTH
Month (1-12) Default is current month
-y YEAR, --year YEAR Year (20XX) default is current year
-b DAYSBACK, --daysback DAYSBACK
Number of days back
Start time string in format (format: %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S)
-e ENDTIME, --endtime ENDTIME
End time time string in format (format: %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S)
--detail detail output, per-job [svchydroswmanage@hydrol1 scripts]$
Performance tools
[was a link to NVIDIA Nsight Systems wiki page]
Sample Scripts
Serial jobs on CPU nodes
$ cat job.slurm #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --mem=16g #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 # <- match to OMP_NUM_THREADS #SBATCH --partition=cpu # <- or one of: gpuA100x4 gpuH100x8 #SBATCH --account=account_name #SBATCH --job-name=myjobtest #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # hh:mm:ss for the job ### GPU options ### ##SBATCH --gpus-per-node=2 ##SBATCH --gpu-bind=none # <- or closest ##SBATCH [email protected] ##SBATCH --mail-type="BEGIN,END" See sbatch or srun man pages for more email options module reset # drop modules and explicitly load the ones needed # (good job metadata and reproducibility) # $WORK and $SCRATCH are now set module load python # ... or any appropriate modules module list # job documentation and metadata echo "job is starting on `hostname`" srun python3
MPI on CPU nodes
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --mem=16g #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=32 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2 # <- match to OMP_NUM_THREADS #SBATCH --partition=cpu # <- or one of: gpuA100x4 gpuH100x8 #SBATCH --account=account_name #SBATCH --job-name=mympi #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # hh:mm:ss for the job ### GPU options ### ##SBATCH --gpus-per-node=2 ##SBATCH --gpu-bind=none # <- or closest ##SBATCH [email protected] ##SBATCH --mail-type="BEGIN,END" See sbatch or srun man pages for more email options module reset # drop modules and explicitly load the ones needed # (good job metadata and reproducibility) # $WORK and $SCRATCH are now set module load gcc/11.2.0 openmpi # ... or any appropriate modules module list # job documentation and metadata echo "job is starting on `hostname`" srun osu_reduce
OpenMP on CPU nodes
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --mem=16g #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32 # <- match to OMP_NUM_THREADS #SBATCH --partition=cpu # <- or one of: gpuA100x4 gpuH100x8 #SBATCH --account=account_name #SBATCH --job-name=myopenmp #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # hh:mm:ss for the job ### GPU options ### ##SBATCH --gpus-per-node=2 ##SBATCH --gpu-bind=none # <- or closest ##SBATCH [email protected] ##SBATCH --mail-type="BEGIN,END" See sbatch or srun man pages for more email options module reset # drop modules and explicitly load the ones needed # (good job metadata and reproducibility) # $WORK and $SCRATCH are now set module load gcc/11.2.0 # ... or any appropriate modules module list # job documentation and metadata echo "job is starting on `hostname`" export OMP_NUM_THREADS=32 srun stream_gcc
Hybrid (MPI + OpenMP or MPI+X) on CPU nodes
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --mem=16g #SBATCH --nodes=2 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4 # <- match to OMP_NUM_THREADS #SBATCH --partition=cpu # <- or one of: gpuA100x4 gpuH100x8 #SBATCH --account=account_name #SBATCH --job-name=mympi+x #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # hh:mm:ss for the job ### GPU options ### ##SBATCH --gpus-per-node=2 ##SBATCH --gpu-bind=none # <- or closest ##SBATCH [email protected] ##SBATCH --mail-type="BEGIN,END" See sbatch or srun man pages for more email options module reset # drop modules and explicitly load the ones needed # (good job metadata and reproducibility) # $WORK and $SCRATCH are now set module load gcc/11.2.0 openmpi # ... or any appropriate modules module list # job documentation and metadata echo "job is starting on `hostname`" export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 srun xthi
4 gpus together on a compute node
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --job-name="a.out_symmetric" #SBATCH --output="a.out.%j.%N.out" #SBATCH --partition=gpuH100x8 #SBATCH --mem=208G #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4 # could be 1 for py-torch #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=16 # spread out to use 1 core per numa, set to 64 if tasks is 1 #SBATCH --constraint="scratch" #SBATCH --gpus-per-node=4 #SBATCH --gpu-bind=closest # select a cpu close to gpu on pci bus topology #SBATCH --account=bbjw-tgirails #SBATCH --exclusive # dedicated node for this job #SBATCH --no-requeue #SBATCH -t 04:00:00 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 # if code is not multithreaded, otherwise set to 8 or 16 srun -N 1 -n 4 ./a.out > myjob.out # py-torch example, --ntasks-per-node=1 --cpus-per-task=64 # srun python3
Parametric / Array / HTC jobs
Interactive Sessions
Interactive sessions can be implemented in several ways depending on what is needed.
To start up a bash shell terminal on a cpu or gpu node
single core with 16GB of memory, with one task on a cpu node
srun --account=account_name --partition=cpu-interactive \
--nodes=1 --tasks=1 --tasks-per-node=1 \
--cpus-per-task=4 --mem=16g \
--pty bash
single core with 20GB of memory, with one task on a A40 gpu node
srun --account=account_name --partition=gpuA40x4-interactive \
--nodes=1 --gpus-per-node=1 --tasks=1 \
--tasks-per-node=16 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=20g \
--pty bash
MPI interactive jobs: use salloc followed by srun
Since interactive jobs are already a child process of srun, one cannot srun (or mpirun) applications from within them. Within standard batch jobs submitted via sbatch, use srun to launch MPI codes. For true interactive MPI, use salloc in place of srun shown above, then “srun my_mpi.exe” after you get a prompt from salloc ( exit to end the salloc interactive allocation).
[arnoldg@dt-login01 collective]$ cat osu_reduce.salloc
salloc --account=bbka-delta-cpu --partition=cpu-interactive \
--nodes=2 --tasks-per-node=4 \
--cpus-per-task=2 --mem=0
[arnoldg@dt-login01 collective]$ ./osu_reduce.salloc
salloc: Pending job allocation 1180009
salloc: job 1180009 queued and waiting for resources
salloc: job 1180009 has been allocated resources
salloc: Granted job allocation 1180009
salloc: Waiting for resource configuration
salloc: Nodes cn[009-010] are ready for job
[arnoldg@dt-login01 collective]$ srun osu_reduce
# OSU MPI Reduce Latency Test v5.9
# Size Avg Latency(us)
4 1.76
8 1.70
16 1.72
32 1.80
64 2.06
128 2.00
256 2.29
512 2.39
1024 2.66
2048 3.29
4096 4.24
8192 2.36
16384 3.91
32768 6.37
65536 10.49
131072 26.84
262144 198.38
524288 342.45
1048576 687.78
[arnoldg@dt-login01 collective]$ exit
salloc: Relinquishing job allocation 1180009
[arnoldg@dt-login01 collective]$
Interactive X11 Support
To run an X11 based application on a compute node in an interactive
session, the use of the --x11
switch with srun
is needed. For
example, to run a single core job that uses 1g of memory with X11 (in
this case an xterm) do the following:
srun -A abcd-delta-cpu --partition=cpu-interactive \
--nodes=1 --tasks=1 --tasks-per-node=1 \
--cpus-per-task=2 --mem=16g \
--x11 xterm
Job Management
Batch jobs are submitted through a job script (as in the examples above) using the sbatch command. Job scripts generally start with a series of SLURM directives that describe requirements of the job such as number of nodes, wall time required, etc… to the batch system/scheduler (SLURM directives can also be specified as options on the sbatch command line; command line options take precedence over those in the script). The rest of the batch script consists of user commands.
The syntax for sbatch is:
sbatch [list of sbatch options] script_name
Refer to the sbatch man page for detailed information on the options.
Commands that display batch job and partition information .
squeue -a |
List the status of all jobs on the system. |
squeue -u $USER |
List the status of all your jobs in the batch system. |
squeue -j JobID |
List nodes allocated to a running job in addition to basic information.. |
scontrol show job JobID |
List detailed information on a particular job. |
sinfo -a |
List summary information on all the partition. |
See the manual (man) pages for other available options.
The srun command initiates an interactive job on compute nodes.
For example, the following command:
srun -A account_name --time=00:30:00 --nodes=1 --ntasks-per-node=16 \
--partition=gpuH100x8 --gpus=1 --mem=16g --pty /bin/bash
will run an interactive job in the gpuH100x8 partition with a wall clock limit of 30 minutes, using one node and 16 cores per node and 1 gpu. You can also use other sbatch options such as those documented above.
After you enter the command, you will have to wait for SLURM to start the job. As with any job, your interactive job will wait in the queue until the specified number of nodes is available. If you specify a small number of nodes for smaller amounts of time, the wait should be shorter because your job will backfill among larger jobs. You will see something like this:
srun: job 123456 queued and waiting for resources
Once the job starts, you will see:
srun: job 123456 has been allocated resources
and will be presented with an interactive shell prompt on the launch node. At this point, you can use the appropriate command to start your program.
When you are done with your work, you can use the exit command to end the job.
The scancel command deletes a queued job or terminates a running job.
scancel JobID deletes/terminates a job.
Job Status
MaxGRESPerAccount - a user has exceeded the number of cores or gpus allotted per user or project for a given partition.
Useful Batch Job Environment Variablesslurm_environment_variables
JobID |
Job identifier assigned to the job |
Job Submi ssion Dire ctory |
By default, jobs start in the directory that the job was submitted from. So the “cd $SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR” command is not needed. |
Mac hine( node) list |
variable name that contains the list of nodes assigned to the batch job |
Array JobID |
each member of a job array is assigned a unique identifier |
See the sbatch man page for additional environment variables available.
Accessing the Compute Nodes
TGI RAILS implements the Slurm batch environment to manage access to the compute nodes. Use the Slurm commands to run batch jobs or for interactive access to compute nodes. See: for an introduction to Slurm. There are two ways to access compute nodes on TGI RAILS.
Batch jobs can be used to access compute nodes. Slurm provides a convenient direct way to submit batch jobs. See for details. Slurm supports job arrays for easy management of a set of similar jobs, see:job_array.html.
Sample Slurm batch job scripts are provided in the section below.
Direct ssh access to a compute node in a running batch job from a loginNN node is enabled, once the job has started.
$ squeue --job jobid
12345 cpu bash gbauer R 0:17 1 cn001
Then in a terminal session:
$ ssh cn001 (
OS: RedHat 8.4 HW: HPE CPU: 128x RAM: 252 GB
Site: mgmt Role: compute
See also:
For information, consult:
250 slurm quick reference guide
Partitions (Queues)
Table.Delta Production Default Partition Values
Property |
Value |
Default Memory per core |
1000 MB |
Default Wallclock time |
30 minutes |
Table.TGI RAILS Production Partitions/Queues
P artition /Queue |
Node Type |
Max Nodes per Job |
Max Du ration |
Max Running in Queue/ user* |
Charge Factor |
cpu |
48 hr |
1.0 |
cpu-int eractive |
30 min |
2.0 |
g puH100x8 |
o cta-H100 |
48 hr |
1.5 |
gpuH1 00x8-int eractive |
o cta-H100 |
1 hr |
3.0 |
Node Policies
Node-sharing is the default for jobs. Node-exclusive mode can be obtained by specifying all the consumable resources for that node type or adding the following Slurm options:
--exclusive --mem=0
GPU NVIDIA MIG (GPU slicing) for the H100 may be supported at a future date.
Pre-emptive jobs will be supported at a future date.
Job Policies
The default job requeue or restart policy is set to not allow jobs to be automatically requeued or restarted.
To enable automatic requeue and restart of a job by slurm, please add the following slurm directive
When a job is requeued due to an evant like a node failure, thebatch script is initiated from its beginning. Job scripts need to be written to handle automatically restarting from checkpoints etc.
Monitoring a Node During a Job
Refunds are considered, when appropriate, for jobs that failed due to circumstances beyond user control.
Projects wishing to request a refund should email Please include the batch job ids and the standard error and output files produced by the job(s).